Friday, September 19, 2008

How Many Ads Is Too Many?

How Many Ads Is Too Many?

In general, I recommend that you put as many AdSense units on your page
as possible. The more choices you give your users, the more likely they are
to click.

The only caveat to this is ad-blindness. Put lots of ads on your site and users
are just going to ignore them. And when they ignore one unit, they’re likely
to ignore them all.

This can be more of a problem for small Web pages than for larger pages
such as those on blogs. On a short page, all those different ads can quickly
outweigh the content; on a long page, you can scatter them about so that
they’re less likely to get in the way of a user’s reading.

One great solution is to have a long home page with lots of ads but which
contains only the headlines and the first paragraph or so from each article.
To read more, the user has to click to a page with just that one article.

That page would have fewer units. But because those units would be
influenced by just one article, the ads would be better targeted.

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