Friday, September 19, 2008

Image Ads — Built To Be Ignored

Image Ads — Built To Be Ignored

Text ads should always be your first pick when you start to load up your site.
Image ads should always be your last choice.

A text ad offers many advantages over image ads:

A. With the right formatting, a text ad 'blends in' with your site
content. An image ad will not give you the same freedom with its
appearance, as the only thing you can play with is the size and

B. You can squeeze more text ads into the space that a conventional
banner takes. People love to have more choices!

C. Properly formatted text ads don't look like clutter. Banners do!

D. People hate banners and avoid them at sight. Many tests confirm
that people are much more receptive to text ads related with your

I just can’t think of a reason why anyone would want to take an image ad
from Google. Text ads perform so much better, in my opinion, you’re better
off sticking with those and ignoring image ads altogether.

This banner ad stands out, but will it get clicked? Dave Taylor, best-selling
technology writer and AdSense partner, stands up for text ads in this article at:
You can read more of his AdSense articles on this page.

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